BLOG / How to Get Used to Working from Home

How to Get Used to Working from Home

There’s no doubt about it: working from home is going to become the new normal. And in this article, we’re going to show you how to get used to working from home.

From tips to tools, here’s everything you need to know to adapt in 2020 and beyond:

The Outlook of Working from Home in 2020 (and Beyond)

It’s not just the coronavirus pandemic. Remote work has always been appealing to workers and employers.

According to the remote work statistics presented by Smallbizgenius, Timedoctor, and Flexjobs, remote work has numerous benefits:

  • 75% of people work remotely because there are fewer distractions
  • 86% of people stated that remote work reduces stress
  • 85% of businesses stated that their productivity increased because of greater flexibility
  • Businesses could save an average of $11,000/year for every part-time telecommuter

Now, the pandemic may simply be the catalyst that will push more and more people into working from home.

But in order to transition to remote work which will become the norm, it’s important to solve the most common challenges.

Remove Work

Remote Work Problems

Remote workers often cite the following as their most pressing problems:

  • Loneliness
  • Communication problems
  • Lack of motivation and procrastination

And while there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, there is one approach that may be more important than ever before: gamification.

How Gamification Eases the Transition from Office to Working from Home

According to TalentLMS’ Gamification at Work survey:

  • 89% of employees say that gamification makes them more productive
  • 83% of employees who received gamified training feel motivated (as opposed to 61% of those who didn’t receive it, and now feel bored and unmotivated at work)
  • 89% of employees believe they’d be more productive if their work was gamified

Why is gamification this powerful?

  1. Gamification Engages Remote Workers

We can’t deny that job engagement relies on challenging and interesting work.

But when you constantly have to complete routine tasks (without the water cooler chitchat, if you’re working remotely), you’re bound to stop engaging at some point.

Celebrate Achievements

Celebrating achievements of remote workers with Spinify

To combat that, gamification leverages elements like point scoring, rewards, and achievements to constantly engage employees.

         2. Gamification Motivates Employees Working from Home

Secondly, gamification affects both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

If you use Spinify to motivate your employees, you can do it in two ways:

Score cards: Help your employees track their own progress, and coach them to make the most of their abilities.

track progress

Understand every employee’s performance

Instead of just monitoring the outcome, you can monitor their activity.

Since we all know that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, you can reward your team members for every step they take.

This sustains motivation in the long term.

Employees now clearly recognize how every single activity contributes to the overarching goals. Otherwise, they could feel as though they’re simply going through the motions.

Secondly, Spinify lets you set leaderboards for healthy competition.

leaderboards designed for your team

One of the main problems with remote work is that employees can’t constantly stay in touch with their colleagues, and compare their performance to everyone else’s. But Spinify allows your team members to compete.

This is the so-called extrinsic motivation.

You don’t have to track big metrics like sales. Instead, you can focus on micro-metrics that drive progress. For example, leads called, deals offered, and so on.

         3.Gamification Facilitates Communication

Finally, it’s much easier to recognize performance if you can… you know, see it.

If your remote workers are not in the same room, they have no idea what their colleagues are doing to achieve great results.

There’s no visibility.

Consequently, those who aren’t top performers are more likely to engage in social loafing and stop giving their 100%.

But with Spinify’s gamified dashboards, you can display results, and show everyone what needs to be done to achieve great results.


Track individual targets, general targets, competitions, and much more

In that respect, gamification works wonders for communication.

You can have your top performers coach others, and create a knowledge-sharing loop that will skyrocket your productivity and make sure everyone loves working from home.

How Spinify Can Help Your Team Work from Home

Working from home is a significant change.

But once you implement gamified software like Spinify that encourages everyone to do their best work, remote work will become a piece of cake.

Motivate your employees, facilitate communication, and celebrate achievements. With Spinify, it’s that simple.

Start your free trial today


Put those insights into practice.

Set your team up for success by improving their performance through gamification.

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