BLOG / Microsoft Teams Gamification

Microsoft Teams Gamification

Almost every modern business incorporates some sort of CRM software. CRM software is excellent for managing interactions and generating reports. However, many organizations make the mistake of believing that implementing CRM software; it’ll automatically help improve productivity.

However, that’s not the case. CRM software can certainly help keep an eye on employee performance, but it’s nowhere near as comprehensive as Gamification. Gamification involves the use of several game mechanics to help improve employee performance.

Along with Gamification, one of the most common software’s across organizations is Microsoft Teams. Luckily, Microsoft Teams also offers several ways that you can integrate Gamification.

What’s Gamification?

In the simplest terms, Gamification is taking a process and applying different game mechanics to help improve the process. Some of the most popular game mechanics used in Gamification include leaderboards, points, badges, and recognition.

How’s Gamification Different From A CRM Software

At first glance, when you view a sales gamification software, it’s easy to confuse it with CRM software. The entire outlook is very similar to the layout that you’d expect with a traditional CRM, which is why many people tend to get confused between the two.

However, Gamification has several more layers to it aside from effective reporting. For example, Gamification involves the use of several game mechanics to help effectively improve employee engagement.

Here are some of these practical game mechanics that work brilliantly in Gamification.


If you’ve ever played a video game, you’ll understand how much motivation a leaderboard can generate. People put in hours and hours of effort to earn a good ranking on the leaderboard. Gamification helps effectively translate that game design element to your organization. 

A leaderboard will effectively showcase who performs the best in a certain activity. That’s why they’re so effective at improving employee motivation and engagement.

When there’s a leaderboard that assesses who performs the best at a particular task, employees get a visual representation of the competition. That makes it much easier for them to compete and set a goal for themselves.

You can use gamification software to create an active leaderboard that allows players to track their progress. They can also see how they’re performing compared to the other employees, which can encourage them to do better.

When you’re setting up a leaderboard, it’s essential to ensure that it’s measuring the correct metric. If the metric doesn’t align with company goals, then the idea of a leaderboard can backfire. Also, it’s important to reset the leaderboard after a while so that new players get a chance against the veterans.

Immediate Feedback

Another effective game mechanic that translates well to business situations is that employees get immediate feedback. When employees perform a certain task, and they receive feedback after an extended period of time, it can be very demotivating.

The delay in communication causes a significant decrease in employee engagement. However, one of the biggest benefits of Gamification is that it provides employees with immediate feedback. Whenever the employees perform a task correctly, the game mechanics in Gamification will reward them in multiple ways.

When they’re late on performing a particular task, Gamification also gives you the option to set a score penalty. You can significantly increase overall employee engagement through this immediate feedback and ensure that all employees remain engaged.


One of the most effective ways games improved player engagement in recent memory is by introducing trophies and badges. These badges would display particular in-game achievements that only the best players could accomplish.

Gamification can help bring that same concept to the organization and improve employee engagement. A proper gamification software can allow you to set badges for particular business achievements.

For example, you can set up badges for different levels of sales. Your employees can display these badges on the profile to showcase their skillset. It also gives employers the opportunity to assess which employees are contributing the most. The set of badges an employee has can also explain what skills they excel at!

That can help organizations identify exactly who’s a key contributor in what part of the business.


A straightforward game mechanic that translates very well to Gamification is points. Points are essentially the basis of every game. You’ll get points added to your score for performing certain tasks, and you can lose points for certain actions.

By employing that in your organization, you can effectively set up a system that improves engagement and motivation. The points system also serves as the basis for the leaderboard and immediate feedback.


When you have an effective gamification system in place, it makes it much easier to bring in new employees. Instead of dedicating time to train employees, you can rely on the gamification system to help bring them up to speed.

The platform will let new employees know what tasks they should perform and how they can earn points. Whenever they perform a particular task, the system will also provide them with immediate feedback.

It’s much easier for organizations to keep track of their new employees and see how they progress through the onboarding.

How To Integrate Gamification Into Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is quickly becoming the go-to collaboration software for organizations across the world. One of the main reasons why it’s so popular is that it provides effective application support.

A key application that can help you integrate Gamification into Microsoft teams is the Incentives Power App. It’s a power app template that lets organizations use the software to reward employees.

These rewards can be for employees that learn new skills, completing a particular milestone, achieving status, and other benchmarks.

The main purpose of the Incentives Power App is to help employers manage and track employee participation in different activities. In addition, it allows the administrators of the team to establish activities, rewards, winning criteria, and all the game mechanics.

All the employees can use the app to assess their progress in complete detail, depending on the tasks that they perform. There’s also a leaderboard that they can see to assess where they stand in the rankings.

The application is so comprehensive that it allows the administrator to customize the entire dashboard fully. Its nature is such that the application can be fully customized to meet the needs of the particular business.

Thanks to the Incentives Power App, organizations can maximize the potential of Gamification. It’s also very user-friendly and secure.

Why Is Gamification So Effective?

One of the main reasons why Gamification is so effective is all down to basic human psychology. The fact that there’s a reward for performing a particular task automatically increases motivation and engagement.

Gamification makes it very basic to apply the same principle to your organization. Organizations can increase employee engagement and motivation by creating leaderboards, providing points, and setting up badges.

The greater the number of engaged employees in the organization, the better the overall performance. Engaged employees are a lot more productive than employees that are just showing up for the paycheck.

Another major reason why Gamification is so effective is that it helps increase and improve communication with employees as well. Better communication means that employees will be more involved in the workplace, and overall productivity will go up.

Gamification helps employees get real-time feedback, and that has a significant impact on overall engagement.

Gamification and Spinify

Spinify is among the leading gamification software providers globally, and they now offer Microsoft Teams integration. Customers that were already using Spinify with different platforms can now use it with Microsoft Teams.

Users don’t have to worry about any complex integrations or anything either. It’ll take a matter of minutes to set up Spinify with teams, and there’s no need to get the IT department involved.

Spinify offers some very attractive features along with Microsoft Teams integration. One of the most effective features is that achievement notifications go straight to the Team channels. That allows everyone to see, react, and choose how they’re going to proceed.

By displaying these notifications, it helps create a healthy competitive environment. Additionally, there’s an interactive leaderboard that displays how employees are performing on a certain goal or activity.

Spinify gives the admins every opportunity to set the target, rewards, game mechanics, celebration criteria, and all the necessary game mechanics. In the Teams Spinify app, all employees can view their progress and compare it to other employees.

They can also see business goals, potential rewards, leaderboards, any potential targets, and everything you can imagine to get the most out of Gamification.

It’s super easy to set up the Spinify integration. All you need to do is visit the app store and search for Spinify. Once you find the app, all you need to do is click install, and that will set everything up!


Gamification is much more effective at improving employee engagement and motivation in comparison to CRM software. Spinify gives you the opportunity to integrate with Microsoft Teams and effectively create a gamified work environment.

The application is easy to set up and allows the admin to easily create the game.

Sales Increase

Put those insights into practice.

Set your team up for success by improving their performance through gamification.

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