BLOG / Myths & Facts: Sales Funnel Optimization

Myths & Facts: Sales Funnel Optimization

We all want to convert as many leads as possible. However, in that desire to be the best, we find a lot of misguided information that could take us down the wrong path.

Today, we’re turning into myth busters.

We’ll debunk the most popular myths about sales funnel optimization and show you what to do instead.

Let’s get to it!

Myth #1: All Sales Funnel Optimization Tactics Work for Everyone

Truth: No two businesses are alike, and neither are their optimal tactics

Every type of customer is different. You know what’s working for your customers, and it may not be the thing working for every other company.

Instead of opting for generalized sales funnel optimization advice, dig into your data to uncover what works, and then double-down on it.

Use your sales funnel reports to understand:

  • Phases getting most conversions
  • The actions your prospects are taking
  • Your team’s performance and behavior

Only then will you know what you need to improve or apply to other phases – in your particular case.

Optimize your sales funnel by:

  • Analyzing your unique sales funnel data
  • Creating a process for testing and reviewing sales funnel optimization changes
  • Aggregating and analyzing prospect responses, as well as team performance

Myth #2: You Only Need to Optimize Your Sales Funnel Once

Truth: Sales funnel optimization is an ongoing process

We get it; we all want the perfect formula.

However, as long as your customers are changing, your sales funnel will change as well. 

Depending on your particular industry and product, you may need to optimize it once a year, once every ten years, or every two months.

Sales funnel optimization is an ongoing process. Don’t expect it to be one and done.

However, you can learn plenty about your customers and the way they respond to your offers by looking at the data and even getting them on the phone.

Think of it as a journey – not a destination.

Optimize your sales funnel by:

  • Testing iterations whenever you notice a significant drop in conversion rate (be that phase-by-phase conversion or overall conversion)
  • Staying up-to-date on the industry, and customer sentiments
  • Collecting and analyzing feedback

Myth #3: If You Don’t Get Results Immediately, Give Up

Truth: Results can take time

Plenty of companies believe that they should see the results of their sales funnel optimization tests right away or else they’re moot.

However, the results of your tests can take a long time. It all depends on your traffic, your circumstances, and your industry.

For example, a high-profile website with hundreds of thousands of hits every day from the same kind of audience may deem their tests unsuccessful if they haven’t seen results in a month.

However, a smaller website with hundred hits daily and three audience groups they are aiming to serve cannot. They’ll need more time to gather the results from a statistically significant portion of their audience.

Additionally, the things you are testing can weigh into the time you’ll need to see results.

Results don’t happen overnight, and you need to be specific about the things you will be testing; be that tactics used in a certain phase, or the structure of your phases itself.

Optimize your sales funnel by:

  • Setting clear goals for your optimization strategy
  • Being careful when choosing what you will test; making data-driven decisions
  • Giving yourself ample time to record results; it should be proportional to the statistically significant number of prospects you are able to reach

Myth #4: Your Only Goal Should Be Getting More Leads

Truth: More leads do not guarantee good leads

All leads aren’t created equal, and if your only sales funnel optimization goal is to get as many leads as possible, you should stop and rethink your strategy.

What truly matters is customer intent.

Have your leads been reached at the right time, and added to the right sales funnel phase?

For example, if you reached a lead through SEO and a general keyword such as “email marketing,” you won’t experience significant results if you direct them to a landing page ushering them into the middle of the funnel stage.

Specifics matter, as well.

If your lead clicked on your ad because it was ambiguous and they thought you sold a product you do not sell, they’ll likely bounce.

Focus on capturing the most profitable leads in the most accurate way.

Optimize your funnel by:

  • Understanding customer intent and responding to it with appropriate content and sales funnel stages
  • Analyzing your lead generation channels and methods

Myths: Debunked

And there you have it!

These four are some of the most prominent myths about sales funnel optimization. Avoid them and instead, focus on the things you – and only you – have.

No one can know your sales funnel as well as you do.

Trust your data, and trust what your customers are telling you.

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