Coaching Tools to be a Better Leader

Better Leaders are Better Coaches
Spinify is one of the coaching tools that helps you engage, motivate, and coach your staff to optimum performance levels that deliver the business results you expect.
Feedback and goal setting are the two key components of coaching. The ability to collect this performance information across multiple metrics makes it easier for leaders to determine an individual’s organizational contribution and prompt coaching opportunities.
A Performance Grid Explained
A grid essentially assigns people to a quadrant based on their performance. In all grids the top right quadrant is the place to be, and represents those individuals whose performance is seen as optimized. Those individuals in the bottom left quadrant represent the “problem people”.
Coaching Strategies per Quadrant
Astute managers adjust their coaching style based on the quadrant individual team members are in. In a nutshell the coaching approach would be as follows:
- Rain Makers – applaud their efforts, recognize them publicly for their achievements and reward them well for their contributions
- Caretakers – coach, coach and then do some more coaching. The ROI on time invested with this group is significant
- Hackers – check their process and and people skills. If these can’t be changed it may be best for them to leave your employ
- Snoozers – move the new employees through the grid towards Rain Maker with good onboarding and training. Help the long stayers in this quadrant seek new opportunities.
Our blog article How to Use Leaderboards for Business Coaching is a really good starting point for learning more about leaderboards and coaching. Then you can follow that up with How to Coach Using a Performance Grid. Increasing the time spent coaching will have a multiplier effect in results delivered by employees who now feel valued and supported to be more successful.
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Set your team up for success by improving their performance through gamification.
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