Steps to Address Data Visibility in SaaS

When you’re looking to address data visibility in using SaaS, it’s important to look at compliance, performance, and efficiency. When it comes to using SaaS applications in cloud-based services, you want to make sure your data is visible.
In fact, data visibility is a huge priority when it comes to getting insights into every aspect of how your organization is structured. Data visibility is actually key to making better decisions, and to turn these insights into smart strategies. Making sure your data is transparent and available for use is far more important than having huge amounts of unworkable data.
Simply capturing and protecting data, without a way to analyze or process this information, is a waste of resources. So it’s important to use data visibility to integrate with other processes so that this information can be used to your advantage.
Here are some steps to addressing data visibility in SaaS to make it the most useful for your organization.
Step 1. Identify data and understand its meaning
When it comes to making the most of data visibility, it’s important to make sure that your data is organized and well represented.
Data visibility is about knowing how to find, or where to find the information that’s important for your business. To be able to use the data for something constructive, everybody must know what the data represents and how it is to be used.
One way to do this is to ensure that you have a way to reference and access the metadata, which will allow each department to locate and use the information that is needed from each place.
Step 2. Store the data in a way that’s easy to access and share
There are plenty of complexities when it comes to efficiently manage the storage of your data.
Data visibility is key here. Bulk data sharing is impractical and confusing – it can often take far longer for people to translate the data into something workable and sharable. The key is to make sure there are practical means of storing all the data that’s created in a way that allows it to be easily accessed and shared. You don’t have to store all the data in one place; you need to store the data once and provide a way for people to find and access it.
Step 3. Provide the rules for using and sharing data
Data visibility is about making sure that the information you want is there for each department when it needs it. A change in the way that data is used and stored means that it’s no longer a random occurrence that requests for data will be made.
It’s then important for making sure that data is easily accessible, and that people understand how they are meant to treat or use the data when it’s accessible. Many departments could put in calls for the same data, and it must be clear how people should behave with the data.
No matter the reason that a developer is using data, the decisions for how that data should be processed, used, or shared shouldn’t be down to an individual’s use. Instead, ensure you have policies for data governing.
Step 4. Create a standardized view of the data
Data alone isn’t particularly useful – it simply shows you how something is. To use it to make decisions and to further your business, it’s important to make sure that the data is delivered in a way that is productive and useful.
Transforming the data to be ready to use is about packaging it in a way that can be used or integrated by users on an as-need basis. Ensure that you have a strategy for analytics, processing, and sharing so that users understand and know how they are supposed to understand and utilize the visible data.
Creating an understanding of how your visible data should be utilized and understood, and that this information is clearly relayed to your developers and anyone with access to the data, is key.
Final Thoughts
Data visibility is a fundamental means to make sure that you have useful, significant data. That being said, it’s also significant to make sure that every developer using the collected data understands what they’re doing.
Attempting to build a system for delivering data and analytics can’t work until you’ve addressed these steps – but by identifying, storing, processing, and clarifying the uses of data, you’ll find your SaaS application data can provide you vital insight.
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