Catch Spinify At AREC

Catch Spinify at Australian Real Estate Conference ( AREC )
Spinify at the Australian Real Estate Conference (AREC). Each year the Real Estate sector, predominantly from Australia and New Zealand, meet on the Gold Coast. This year AREC will take place on 27 and 28 May at the Gold Coast Convention Centre.
Over two life-changing days, Agents and Principals alike will discover the innovative strategies and ideas of the world’s most forward-thinking real estate identities. They’ll hear from local and international speakers as have the opportunity to see onsite demos well as Vendor Partners to the Real Estate Sector.
Spinify will be at Booth 48.
- 48 HOURS
- 200+ SECRETS
Spinify + Real Estate
In 2017, Spinify exhibited at its first AREC. We were encouraged to do so by the then-new customer, Scott Jackson, Ray White Director. Spinify had recently completed an integration with top-selling Real Estate CRM, MyDesktop for the Ray White Belconnen operations team.
From the two-day event, Spinify met other Real Estate software providers and a host of agencies who had been looking for a solution to engage, motivate, and coach their Agents. Spinify lively leaderboards were warmly received.
In the ensuing twelve months, we have integrated with Agentbox and Rex to provide access to leaderboards to a broader range of Real Estate companies. We also integrate with a number of other data Apps including Salesforce and Google Sheets.
We contacted everyone we met at AREC. They have referred us to other franchises and Principals. From those introductions, we have helped Real Estate agencies in Australia, New Zealand and the USA engage, motivate, and coach their staff to success.
Why You Should Visit
Spinify leaderboards are an effective way to show an Agent their progress against a business activity such as Property Appraisals, Listings, Exchanged, and Settled. A leaderboard is the visualization of staff performance against these business metrics. This transparency of the score of activities completed and more importantly the progress towards the target increases employee productivity.
When staff knows their performance is visible to the entire office, they work harder to make sure their ranking on the leaderboard improves. The very act of keeping score on their progress motivates people to produce better results, be they on lead indicators such as Appraisals or on lag indicators such as Property Settled.
The leaderboard can also highlight Agents who are doing great work by singling them out from the pack and highlighting their good work. Milestone and target achievements can be celebrated along the way so that individuals and the team feel good about what they are doing. Displaying this information on a TV in the office enables all company stakeholders to be included in the progress of business results and to celebrate with the team.
Keeping track of all staff performance on all leaderboards means you can map your staff in quadrants related to their activities and outcomes in order to see who your star performers are, who needs coaching to higher levels of performance, and who needs counseling about changing roles or changing behaviors. The Spinify Performance Grid comes preloaded with coaching advice.
Spinify is very excited about attending AREC’18 and we look forward to renewing friendships from last year and seeing what is new and available for possible Partnerships.
Put those insights into practice.
Set your team up for success by improving their performance through gamification.
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