The Different Types of Sales Coaches

On average, businesses spend billions of dollars per year on sales training programs. The problem is that most of what they teach has little to no effect. The only way any meaningful improvement in sales performance can stick for good is through sales coaching.
Sales coaching aids in the development of individual employees, provides a more efficient method of learning, and reduces mistakes. Sales coaching also helps with the retention of top employees. In contrast to sales training, which focuses on telling individuals what to do, sales coaching helps high-performing sales agents become even more successful and productive.
But the effectiveness of sales coaching depends on the quality of the coach. There are five distinct types of sales coaches, and each one offers a salesperson a degree of value that is different from the others: The most effective sales coaches are also experts at utilizing a wide range of strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes. Because of this, salespeople need to possess a diverse set of skills that can easily be adapted to new circumstances.
This article will look at the types of sales coaches and shed light on how they work.
The different type of sales coaches
There are six types of sales coaches and each of them brings a unique value to a salesperson.
The “observer” coach sits back and watches all salespeople work. By watching them work, they will see what they do right and the things that you do wrong. Then they will be able to come up with more of a step-by-step guide that salespeople can use to enhance their strengths and fix their mistakes. They are constantly giving feedback to the sales teams on every little minutia.
A “Frenemy” coach pretends to be your friend, but their ulterior motives make them more of an enemy. They are only invested in your success or the success of your company because they believe it will be to their advantage. One of the things that can motivate people is their devotion for you; another is the convoluted nature of politics; and yet another is a mixture of the two of these causes. Most of the time, they are just pulling for your success because they stand to benefit in some way from it themselves.
Weak spy
A “weak spy” coach keeps diligent tabs on the various activities of the sales teams. They are always passing on information about sales numbers, vendors, sale sizes, etc. to either the manager, the owner, or someone else who makes decisions about the company. They do not have any authority but are still seen as valuable and highly engaged in the sales process. A “weak spy” could also be a salesperson who is given the task of keeping their eyes and ears open around the office. They might report to a manager or owner on what they hear and see in meetings but have no decision-making power themselves.
Strong spy
A “strong spy” is a person who can make an impact on the company, but whose primary job does not involve sales or coaching. Strong spies can be found in all levels of management. This person may be a senior manager who collaborates closely with sales teams, or it’s also possible that they are an expert in marketing. They are not primarily responsible for sales or coaching, but they have the ability to influence the direction the firm takes.
A “well-wisher” works with the best of intentions. They are helpful, amicable, and only want the best for — improve sales performance and the overall quality of the salesperson’s work life. A “well-wisher” can also be someone who thinks that they are helping, but in reality, they are just doing their work. The focus of this type of coaching is on improving the salesperson’s skills and helping them to see how they can use these skills in a more effective way.
The well-wisher type of coaching has been used by many companies to help their employees become better at what they do. This type of coaching works by focusing on improving the skills that are needed for this position, as well as helping salespeople see how they can use these skills in a more effective way.
The “guide” type of sales coaches focus on the process and the skills that are needed to sell effectively. This type of coaching will be based on the needs of the individual and can be done in person or through a combination of phone and email. It is designed to provide an overview, as well as details to help with improving performance. The coach can also offer feedback, encouragement, and support throughout this process.
Guides are reliable friends who have a vested interest in your success and will defend you and your solution with courage since they have a financial stake in the outcome. It is possible to regard guides to be your closest friends. Not only are they trustworthy confidants who reveal all the behind-the-scenes information on the organizational politics involved in decision-making, but they also assist you in formulating and putting into action a strategy to win the business.
In most cases, a guide coach is someone who has a long-standing relationship with the company as an employee or has known them as a consultant. They have a significant amount of experience and are aware of the procedures necessary to accomplish tasks. They can offer sound advice on how to secure the deal and get the contract signed because they are equipped with the necessary business acumen and experience. Most crucially, they can help you create a winning game plan and help you execute it perfectly and to the best of their abilities.
Guide coaches can help you stay on track by giving you regular feedback and encouragement. If they are aware of your objectives and your strategies, they will be able to determine if you are proceeding as planned or whether you require some course corrections.
But, there is always a ‘but’
Some individuals have the misconception that they are working with a coach when, in reality, they may not be. You should always have a healthy level of skepticism toward your coach.
- Do they have another reason for doing this?
- Do they act as someone’s backup set of ears and eyes when the other person isn’t around?
- To what extent can you rely on them?
- Are they acting with your best interest in their hearts?
If you have any doubts about your sales coach’s intentions or about the quality of sales coaching that you are receiving — how about looking into what Spinify can do for you? Spinify has an excellent track record of providing sales coaching programs personalized for individual salespersons. Our advanced sales coaching techniques involve gamification, leaderboards, and similar methods that bring a lasting positive change to a salesperson’s career.
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