7 Creative ways to motivate recruitment teams

Motivation isn’t just limited to a few quotes and videos. It’s one of the essential components to make a recruitment team stand out. Recruiters are like the gate keepers of your company – if they fail to detect the right and wrong candidates, your company bears the loss.
For your recruitment team to function flawlessly, you must motivate them for the greater good. Today, we’re going to unveil seven creative ways you can motivate your recruitment team.
Acknowledge their great work publicly
Publicly appreciating your recruiters for their hard-work will make them happy and drive motivation – because don’t we all feel that pump in our mood when we’re appreciated publicly? When acknowledging your recruiters publicly, make sure to give them specific compliments. Tell them how their efforts have been noticed, and more importantly how significant of an impact it has made to the rest of the organization. Make use of gamification in your recruitment department and share rewards to the recruiters based on their performance.
Ask Your Recruiters How They Would Like To Be Managed
Recruiters in your company are humans just like other people – and every human is different. Start asking your recruiters how they would like to be managed. It’s okay to set some pre-defined managing rules that apply to all, but apart from that, manage every recruiter differently.
Go to your recruiters and directly ask them the following questions:
- How often would you like to receive feedback?
- What type of feedback would you prefer, and how should I deliver it to you?
- What are some things that will have a negative impact on your working energy?
By this act, recruiters will get motivated by the fact that you are personally taking care of their preferences and decisions.
Set Great Rewards For Your Recruiters
Nothing motivates humankind other than being awarded great rewards. Draft a list of rewards and attach the goals to inspire and motivate your recruiters. Cash prizes, gift cards, etc., are quite rewarding, but these awards don’t certainly fall into something fun, memorable, and attractive. Go beyond the traditional setup of rewards.
For instance, if a specific recruiter fulfils an objective, he/she gets the ability to order anyone to babysit their kids, walk their dog, clean their house, etc. On the other hand, if it’s a team-wide reward, offer something interesting like throwing a BBQ, attending a sports game together, team bowling event, etc.
Let Recruiters Pick Their Own Rewards
Sometimes, it’s better to let recruiters pick their own rewards as it takes their motivation to cloud-nine. If you feel like your recruiters are appearing a little dull and tiresome, lift their spirits by asking how they would like to be motivated. Once they have highlighted their interests, pick a task, set a time-frame, and create a budget for their rewards.
Working towards a reward the recruiters have picked according to their preference will unleash their motivation levels. Or better yet, use recruitment automation and gamification to make the process even simpler.
Understand Their Personal and Professional Goals
If you don’t know your recruiters’ personal and professional goals, you can’t truly learn what motivates them. Understanding your recruiters’ personal and professional goals will help you learn about who they are, what motivates them, and, most importantly, why they are working for your company. Once you understand your recruiters’ personal and professional life, you’ll easily be able to figure out what motivates them. Furthermore, you can always ask them directly what motivates them or how you can help them achieve their goals. Be a bridge between their personal and professional goals, and you’ll see how their motivation levels will increase.
Don’t Forget To Build Trust
Last and certainly not least, trust is one of the essential building blocks of motivation. If there isn’t a trust-based relationship between you and your recruitment team, it will be difficult for them to get inspired and work with motivation.
When you and your recruiters don’t have a trust-based relationship, it will be harder for you to inspire them – let alone have a truthful conversation with them.
Be open and transparent to your recruitment team from the start. Engage and communicate with your recruiters to start building a trust-based relationship with them.
Final Words
Using gamification can help you to motivate your recruitment team in no time. At Spinify, we are the leaders of the world’s leading gamification software. We aim to help teams use gamification to drive motivation and engagement so they can stand out and be successful.
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